Turning on fastclick

What’s doing now is adding the file to the headers if the project uses the jQuery Mobile Select control. Can you check if that is happening for you?

If I change:

if (NSB.fastclick !== true) {window.addEventListener(‘load’, function() {new FastClick.attach(document.body)}, false); NSB.fastclick=true;};

Into this:

window.addEventListener(‘load’, function() {new FastClick.attach(document.body)}, false);

works fine!

NSB.fastclick shouldn’t do anything anymore, but fastclick should be included if you’re using jqm List.

Did you try this?

Yes, it is adding the file to the headers, but in order it to work I must also add to the headers: window.addEventListener(‘load’, function() {new FastClick.attach(document.body)}, false);

You’re right - this should be fixed in the next build.

Any news on when the fastclick function is being put back in to App Studio? I can’t update any of my apps without this function as the scroll-able list becomes not clickable.

The code in looks like it should do the job. If it doesn’t, can you get me more data?

Can the ListWithScrolling sample be used to show the problem? I can’t reproduce it here.

Any update on this?
On iOS the jqm List is not click-able (or the onclick event is not fired) when scrolling it turned on (scrolling of the actual List) , it works fine on Android.

Part of the problem is likely that jQuery Mobile is no longer being maintained. 5 years is a long time in web development - that’s how long it has been since it was updated.

Furthermore, FastClick is also pretty much done. Improvements in the underlying browsers (Chrome and Safari) have pretty much rendered FastClick obsolete.

" Note: As of late 2015 most mobile browsers - notably Chrome and Safari - no longer have a 300ms touch delay, so fastclick offers no benefit on newer browsers, and risks introducing bugs into your application. Consider carefully whether you really need to use it."